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cute game!

Awesome! I wanted to give you one tip: I noticed that you attached the background to the player, but in my time using Godot, I found it's best to put the background on the actual level. That way, when the player jumps, you won't see the base Godot background. It's just a tip, but other than that, your game is nice.

I noticed there was some odd behavior with the background I couldn't figure out.  That was the first parallax bg I tried in Godot. 

I actually made it it's own scene and when I added the scene to the level I added the sprite so I could use it for other levels but I don't think I set it up quite right. 

Nice control assets and music. However level design is poor. Keep up good work

Yea, level design is definitely a weakness of mine ๐Ÿ˜…

Nice job! I love how the double jump works, and the mechanic of "riding" on enemies could be expanded upon if you wanted to develop this further. The assets were also well chosen, and I respect a lot you fully credited them here. My only criticism is that - at least unless I missed something - the "win" screen seems to be just the standard game over screen. Even something very simple, like changing the text of the label to "you win" would have added a lot there. I played through it twice, I think on the second finished run I got all the fruit.

Very good work and use of the assets, and I'm glad it was a great learning experience, too.


Yea as of now the game over scene is somewhat static. 

I had plans to add in a timer and a scoring system that gave a medal and a different motivational text at the end. I still plan on adding that functionality in, but due to some unexpected circumstances, and just some very low motivation these past couple of days, I just wanted to get it finished up and submitted.

I learned a massive amount with this project, and plan on starting another soon to continue expanding upon my skills with the game engine.

Looks and feels great <3 good job

Thank you ๐Ÿ’š